Newsletter Archive
• News Archive • Events
Faculty Newsletter Archive
March 22, 2004
Newletter # 6 (PDF file, 8 pages, 8.5"x11",
101 K)
• The New Collective Agreement
• Call for nominations to the Executive, 2004-05
• UPEIFA Annual General Meeting, April 23rd
• Faculty Time, April 2nd
• Faculty Recognition and Awards Banquet, May 8th
• Faculty “Happy Hour” at the Wave
• UPEIFA stands in solidarity with other faculty associations
• CAUT Council Delegate Report
November 7, 2003
Newsletter # 5 (PDF file, 1 page, 8.5"x11",
100 K)
• Special General Meeting of the UPEIFA
• Academic Planning Framework - an invitation
November 6, 2003
Newsletter # 4 (PDF file, 2 pages, 8.5"x11",
132 K)
• Button Campaign
• Report on bargaining
• A second bargaining unit for the UPEIFA
June 21, 2003
Newsletter (PDF file, 4 pages, 8.5"x14", 64K)
• Delegate Report from CAUT Council - Larry Hale
• Faculty Awards Banquet
• A new bargaining unit for the UPEI-FA
• Congratulations to the graduating class of 2003
• Ultimate frisbee challenge
• Associate members of the UPEI-FA
• Due adjustment
• What is happening with negotiations?
January 3, 2003
Newsletter (PDF file, 4 pages, 8.5"x14", 96
• Letter from the President
• Delegate Report from CAUT Council - Larry Hale
• Faculty Awards
• Faculty Awards Banquet
• UPEIFA and UPEI acquire a new painting
November, 2002
Newletter (PDF file, 4 pages, 8.5"x11", 92
Negotiations Update
Report on October Meeting & New Dues Structure
faculty Association Scholarship Program
UPEI-FA Goes to the CAUT Status of Women Conference
Faculty Association News Archive
Website news articles will be archived here.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Call for Nominations for Scholarly Acheivement
Please read this
document (PDF, 1 page, 58 K) that details the
call for nominations for the Universities 2004-2005 Merit
Awards for Scholarly Achievement.
Deadline for Appling for Your Course Release
Is Today!
Get your applications for course relief in
to your departmental chairs today. For more information
see the article below.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Its That Time Again!
Barbaining for the next collective agreement
is about to begin. Please fill out your UPEIFA bargaining
survey that you received in your mailbox and return it
as soon as possible.
We can't ask for what you want if you don't
tell us your needs.
Return Bargaining Surveys Before Dec. 17
Dear Faculty Association Colleagues,
By now, each of you should have received through campus
mail a UPEIFA Bargaining Survey package. Thanks to those
of you who have already completed and returned it to the
Association. If you have not done so already, please take
the time this week to complete it and return it to
the Association office by Friday December 17,
2004. If you have not received this package yet, please
contact Susan Gallant (0438, [email protected]) in the Association
office as soon as possible. If you have any questions or
concerns regarding the survey or process, get in contact
with me at 0495 or [email protected].
Wayne Peters
UPEIFA President
Apply for Your Course Release Now
Dear Faculty Association Colleagues,
I want to draw your attention to Section H-1 (Workload)
of our Collective Agreement.
Article H1.4.1 defines the normal teaching workload at
UPEI as 6 courses (18 contact hours) for Faculty Members
(tenured, probationary or term appointments at Professor,
Associate Professor, Assistant Professor orLecturer ranks)
in the Faculties of Arts, Education and Science and the
Schools of Business and Nursing.
Article H1.5 (Teaching Workload Reductions for Scholarly
Endeavours and University Service) provides for a pool
of 75 course releases on an annual basis for Faculty Members
in these academic units. These releases shall be made available
first to Members in the first or second year of a probationary
appointment as per Article H1.5.1 with the remainder being
made available to all other Members as per H1.5.2. These
articles do not apply to those Members in the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine.
The 2005-06 academic year will be the first year in which
the full pool of 75 releases will be made available. For
this current academic year (2004-05), only those course
releases under Article H1.5.1 were assigned.
So, for September 2005, all Members, not otherwise eligible
for course release under H1.5.1, shall be eligible to apply
for up to 2 course releases per academic year as per Article
H1.5.2. I want to encourage all Faculty Members in the
affected academic units to review this section of the Collective
Agreement and to make applications for these course releases
as soon as possible.
Applications for these must be submitted to the Departmental
Chair, or Dean where there is no Chair, by January 31,
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Wayne Peters UPEIFA
Sessional Seniority Lists
Dear Faculty Association Colleagues,
This is just a reminder that the finalized Sessional Seniority
Rosters have beenissued to the affected Departments/Faculties.
I would encourage Members to review the information that
pertains to each of you.
It should be noted that seniority is not calculated on
a "per course" or "per Department" basis.
Seniority is based on total experience gained across all
courses taught. If a Member has teaching experience in
more than one Department/Faculty reflected on the Sessional
Roster, that Member should ensure that their entire teaching
experience on the Roster is being considered by a Department/Faculty
in any Sessional hiring for which the Member is being considered
or has applied.
A reminder, once again, to all those Members teaching
sessional courses to ensure that the 6% allowance in lieu
of benefits is being applied to your contracts, where eligible
under Article G1.14. This allowance is payable on all contracts
after a Sessional has taught four courses, i.e., payable
on the fifth and all subsequent sessional contracts. Note
that courses taught prior to the effective date of May
1,2004 are to be included in the required count of four
(4) courses.
Feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or questions.
Wayne Peters
UPEIFA President Friday, October 15, 2004
Any association member interested in participating
in any of the following workshops should contact Wayne
Peters, UPEIFA President (0495, [email protected])
as soon as possible. Individuals interested in working for the Association
in either of the areas of Grievance Handling or Collective
Bargaining must attend the appropriate workshop. The location
of each workshop will be announced at a later time.
Upcoming Workshops
Friday, November 12, 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Saturday, November 13, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
For Executive members (the Association's frontline)
and those interested in getting more active in
the Association. Learn about the history and role
of faculty associations and techniques for informing,
representing and mobilizing the membership.
Wednesday, October 27, 3:00 pm -
7:00 pm Thursday, October 28, 8:30 am
- 3:00 pm
An introduction to dealing with members' complaints
regarding the interpretation, application, administration,
operation or alleged violation of the Collective
Agreement, and to determining whether filing a
grievance is an appropriate option.
Tuesday, November 16, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
Wednesday, November 17, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
An introduction to collective bargaining that
allows participants to develop bargaining, language
drafting and team work skills as well as to experience
the dynamics of the negotiating table.
Monday, October 4, 2004
Urgent Call For Volunteers.
Finance Committee
Communications Committee
Awards and Scholarship Committee
Constitution and Bylaw Review Committee
At a recent General Meeting of the Faculty Association,
two new standing committees of the Executive were created
- the Finance Committee and the Communications Committee.
The Executive is seeking the names of individuals who are
interested in being on either of these Committees. As per
Article 3.2 of our Bylaws, the names of interested individuals
will be taken forward for election at a General Meeting
of the Association.
Additionally, the Executive is creating two ad hoc committees
of the Executive - the Awards and Scholarship Committee
and the Constitution and Bylaw Review Committee. The Executive
is also seeking the names of individuals interested in
participating on either of these Committees.
Anyone interested in participating on any of these Committees
should forward their names to Wayne Peters, UPEIFA President
([email protected],
0495) as soon as possible.
The general purpose for each Committee follows:
Finance Committee: To oversee the Association's
financial matters; and to propose the annual operating
budget for the Association.
Communications Committee: To develop,
recommend and execute strategies for the purpose of educating
members and others regarding the activities of the Association;
and soliciting input and feedback from members.
Awards and Scholarship Committee: To
oversee Association awards and scholarships, including
its faculty teaching and scholarly achievement awards.
Constitution and Bylaw Review Committee:
To review the Association's Constitution and Bylaws as
required and to recommend appropriate changes to the
Sessional Lecturer Benefits
This is a reminder to all Sessional Instructors
regarding Article G1.14 of the Collective Agreement.
Effective May 1, 2004, all sessional
instructors shall receive a 6% allowance in lieu of benefits ($3,800
+ $228 = $4,028) on all sessional contracts after a Sessional
has taught four (4) courses, i.e., payable on the fifth
and all subsequent courses.
Courses taught prior to the effective date
of May 1, 2004 are included in this count. Note that this
Article does not apply to Members teaching overload courses
or to other employees already on UPEI Group Benefits. Please
review any contracts you currently have, or may have had
since the effective date, and report any discrepancies
immediately to Wayne Peters, UPEIFA President ([email protected],
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Session Seniority List
Important Notice to all Individuals affected
by the Sessional Hiring Seniority List.
The Sessional Hiring Seniority List, required
by Collective Agreement Article G1.5, has been completed.
Effective September 27, 2004 and for a period of thirty
(30) days, it is being posted within all Departments, or
in the Dean's Office for non-departmentalized faculties,
for the purpose of review by those individuals affected.
Please note that it is the responsibility
of all individuals who may be affected by this list to
ensure that the information contained within it is correct.
Please review it and report any discrepancies to the
Human Resources Department immediately. The list, revised
as per any identified discrepancies, will be deemed correct
at the end of the thirty (30) day period.
CAUT bargaining Workshop Postponed.
The CAUT Bargaining workshop originally scheduled
for September 28-29 of this week will be re-scheduled.
New dates for both the Bargaining and Grievance
Handling workshops will be announced soon. Remember: if
you are interested in getting involved in either of these
areas, please contact Wayne Peters ([email protected],
0495) as soon as possible.
Teaching Dossier Example
A sample
teaching dossier has been placed on the resources
page as an example for those faculty members preparing
for tenure or promotion applications.
UPEIFA Collective Agreement Available
The collective agreement is
available online on the Resources
This is the document that will most affect your lives
as faculty members at UPEI. We recommend that members read
it and refer to it whenever needed. If you see areas that
you feel need improvement please contact the UPEIFA. September 17, 2004
General Meeting
There will be a general meeting of the UPEIFA
on Thursday September 23 at 4 PM,
AVC lecture theatre A.
Notice of Motions for the General Meeting
The list of motion for the general meeting
is now available. Read the
motions here.
Be sure to attend this important meeting Friday,
September 10, 2004
Founders' Day Student/Faculty Bar-B-Q
Wayne Peters has posted a message inviting
us all to the Founders' Day Student/Faculty Bar-B-Q to
start your year. Please read it here.
CAUT Bargaining Workshop
CAUT Bargaining Workshop, Sept 28
and 29, UPEI (location to be determined). Workshop
leader Neil Tudiver, Chief Negotiator for CAUT. This
important workshop will prepare participants to fill
various roles in the negotiations process. Interested
members of Bargaining Units 1 and 2 are encouraged to
attend. Contact Wayne Paters ([email protected]) for more
information or to register.
Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Important Election Information!
The Canadian Association of University Teachers has provided
material for us all to consider in the upcoming election.
Go to the UPEIFA Federal Election
page for more information. Thanks to Dr. Shannon Murray
for putting it together.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Greetings From the New Executive
We encourage you to familiarize yourselves with the new
executive elected at the Anual general Meeting. The
list of names and contact information is available on
the Resources page.
Greetings from the President of the UPEIFA
Read the message
from the new UPEIFA president, Dr. Wayne Peters.
June 15, 2004
Newsletter #7 Released
Read the latest
newsletter on the News page
Delegate's Report on 56th CAUT Meeting
Read the report
on the 56th CAUT meeting written by Wayne Peter's,
who was our delegate to this important event. The report
is found on the news page.
Monday, March 22, 2004
News Letter #6 Released
Read the latest new about your new collective agreement
and the upcoming Faculty Association general Meeting.
Support your faculty association and consider participating
in one of the committees outlined in the newletter
March 22, 2004
Newletter # 6 (PDF file, 8 pages, 8.5"x11",
101 K)
• The New Collective Agreement
• Tenure and Promotion procedures
• Member involvement: Making the Collective
Agreement work
• FA/Board Joint Committee
• Group insurance working committee
• Questions committee
• Veterinary Teaching Hospital Management Committee
• Sessional Seniority Committee
• Occupational Health and Safety Committee
• University Review Committee
• Retroactive pay
• Call for nominations to the Executive, 2004-05
• UPEIFA Annual General Meeting, April 23rd
• Faculty Time, April 2nd
• Faculty Recognition and Awards Banquet, May 8th
• Faculty “Happy Hour” at the Wave
• UPEIFA stands in solidarity with other faculty associations
• CAUT Council Delegate Report
GENERAL MEETING (PDF, 4 pages, 128 K)
Nominations to the executive committee can be submitted
to the Returning Officer; Dr. Lothar Zimmerman, Department
of Modern Languages by April 22. Friday, March 12th, 2004
Contract signing Today
The UPEI Faculty Association and the Board
of Governors will be signing their first Collective Agreement
in a ceremony this Friday, March 12 at 2:00 pm
in the Faculty Lounge of the Main Building. All
are welcome to attend this historic event, which will be
followed by refreshments.
Come join the celebration. And don't forget
to wear your button.
Friday, February 13th, 2004
Tentative Agreement Reached!
The tentative collective agreement
for Bargaining Unit #1 (faculty, librarians, sessionals,
clinical nursing instructors) has been ratified by
the membership.
Of those members casting a ballot, 88% voted in
favour of the agreement.
Friday, February 6, 2004
Call For Nomination:
Merit Award For Scholarly Achievement
The UPEI Faculty Association invites nominations of candidates
the University's 2003- 2004 Merit Awards for Scholarly Achievement.
These prestigious awards consist of a cash prize of $500
and a plaque. There are three awards, one in each of the
following categories:
1. Arts, Business, and Education
2. Science and Nursing
3. Atlantic Veterinary College
For these awards, there should be clear evidence of significant
achievements, and continuing productivity in research and
scholarship. Criteria include publication of work and recognition
by peers, indicating national or international impact of
the scholar's work.
Nomination may be made by any member of the university
faculty, including the nominee. Only full-time faculty
are eligible for the awards. A candidate's standard file
will include a letter of nomination of not more than 500
words outlining the rationale for the nomination, an up-to-
date curriculum vitae and samples of important research
The deadline for receipt of complete file is March
5th, 2004.
All faculty members, including chairs and deans are strongly
encouraged to consider making a nomination, so that UPEI's
outstanding scholars will receive the recognition they
Previous winners of the Scholarly Achievement Award are
not eligible for nomination for five years after their
previous award.
Please direct nominations or enquiries to the Chair of
the selection committee, Fred Kibenge,
(Department of Pathology and Microbiology).
January 26, 2004
Nominations for the Hessian Hessian Awards
for Excellence in Teaching
Students, Faculty and Alumni are invited to submit nominations
for the Hessian Awards for Excellence in Teaching. The
awards are open to all University faculty members.
The deadline for nominations is noon, Friday,
February 13, 2004.
Information about the awards and nomination forms are
available at the Faculty Association Office (Main
Bldg. Room #214). November 7, 2003
Notice of Special General Meeting
members of the UPEIFA within Bargaining Unit #1 (Faculty,
Librarians, Sessionals, Clinical Nursing Instructors) are
asked to attend a special meeting on the evening of Wednesday,
November 12th, at 6:00 in the Duffy Amphitheatre
(Duffy 121). This meeting has been called in order to inform
the membership about the package of proposals on salaries
and benefits that the FA intends to submit to the Administration
very soon.
More information is available in Newletter
It is vital that, as we proceed toward the conclusion
of a first collective agreement, the membership of the
FA remain informed and empowered. This is your opportunity
to hear first hand of the important outstanding
issues, and to provide the negotiating team and
executive with your thoughts and opinions.
Plan to attend! April 17, 2003
The general meeting will be held Wednesday, April
23rd, at 10:00 am in KCI-104. The
agenda is available here.
March 20, 2003
The following important dates have been announced...
Faculty Association Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, April 23 at 10:00 a.m.
The Annual General Meeting is called in April to receive
reports of the various committees of the Association,
approve the budget for the upcoming year, consider amendments
to the constitution and by- laws of the Association, and
to elect a new executive.
Details on the agenda, on the nominations process, and
supporting documents will follow in the next few days.
The meeting will be held in KCI 104.
Faculty Recognition and Awards Banquet
Saturday, May 10 in the evening
This year, the Faculty Recognition and Awards Banquet
will be held in the evening of the day of Convocation.
After we have celebrated the accomplishments of our students,
we can celebrate our own accomplishments as scholars and
Among those to be honoured will be the winners of the
Hessian Teaching Awards, the Scholarly Achievement awards,
members who are retiring, and members who have served
UPEI for 25 years.
This will be a night to remember. The location and ticket
prices are still to be determined, and will be announced
just as soon as possible. Please make plans to attend.
March 6, 2003
The most recent circulated newsletter
and negotiations bulletins are now available on the
News Page.
March 5, 2003
The UPEI faculty Association website has been redesigned.
We hope the new format will be clear and easy to use for
all faculty. If you have any suggestions about the website
please contact Dr. Barry Linkletter at [email protected].
Check this Breaking News section of the
home page often for the latest information that we wish
to communicate to the faculty.
News of importance to the faculty will
be posted on the News Page.
Just click the "news" button at the top of the
page. Recent circulated newsletters and negotiations bulletins
will be accessible from this page along with any other recent
news or announcements.
Events Sponsored by the UPEI Faculty Association
will be featured on the Events Page.
Resources and important general information
for the faculty will be accessible from the Resources
Page. This includes contact information for your executive
and links o the UPEI Faculty Handbook and UPEI-FA constitution.
Archives: Older news and events information
will be collected in the Archives
Pages so that you can refer to them if need be. This
include older circulated newsletters and negotiations bulletins.
Faculty Association Events Archive
October 22, 2002
Tip-to-tip challenge for scholarships
The first annual Tip-to-Tip Challenge in support of the
UPEI-FA Scholarship fund was held on Friday, October 18th
and Saturday, October 19th. Thirty people ran,
walked, biked, and motorcycled across PEI to raise nearly
$2,000 (and counting) toward this important program.
Many, many thanks to Dr. Shannon Murray of the English
Department and her team of organizers for the splendid work
they did in organizing this event.
Names and photographs of participants can be found on the
Tip-to-tip challenge report page. |