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Table of Contents

• Recent Newletters
• UPEI Faculty Association Scholarships and the Legacy Campaign
• Call for Volunteers
• Your turn!

Recent Newsletters

June 10, 2004 Newletter # 7 (PDF file, 5 pages, 272 K)

• a message from the FA President
• faculty recognition night
• new Association dues structure
• post-secondary education and the federal election
• CAUT Council Delegate report
• tenure and promotion processes clarified

Delegates Report for 56th Annual CAUT Meeting (PDF, 3 pages, 120 K)

• CAUT Council meeting
• Provencial Associations Meeting
• Some issues of concern for the UPEIFA

Previous newsletters and bulletins are archived on the Archives Page.

UPEI Faculty Association Scholarships and the Legacy Campaign

Although the official faculty and staff campaign is over, you can still make a contribution to the UPEI Faculty Association Scholarship program through the Building a Legacy campaign of UPEI. Simply designate your pledge to the Legacy campaign to the UPEI-FA Scholarship Fund on your pledge form. It's a great way to support your Faculty Association, the university, and island students!

Call for Volunteers

The UPEI-FA is your official agent in determining your working conditions at UPEI. A participatory association is a strong one; a strong association has greater clout during and between periods and negotiation. We encourage all members of the UPEI-FA to participate in the governance and work of the association. Some of the immediate jobs needing volunteers are:

  • Newsletter committee: The UPEI-FA has not published a regular newsletter for quite some time. With a union contract will come a need for greater dissemination of news and information. A newsletter is a useful complement to a web-site, as it reaches individuals who aren't quite as "wired", and contains different types of content.

In addition, now that our contract is ratified and signed, we will require the participation of some members in important boards and committees that oversee the proper execution of the collective agreement. Some of these are:

  • Board of Governors/UPEI-FA joint committee: This committee will consist of members of the UPEI-FA and the BoG to work out differences of opinion in the interpretation of clauses in the collective agreement when they arise.

  • Health Benefits Committee: The UPEI-FA will require strong representation on a committee to oversee the provision of health benefits to our members.

  • Grievance officer and committee: This is an extremely important body, as these will be the people who members will go to when they are not being treated by the administration in accordance with the collective agreement. The establishment of a proper grievance procedure is one of the most important benefits of unionizing! Grievance officers receive training by CAUT.

Anyone interested in participating in any of these capacities is encouraged to contact the FA office.

Your turn! 

Your executive is most effective when we know what your feelings are. While we have plans for future development of this web-site (proposed contract language, employers proposals, economic benefits data, etc.), you may have some suggestions as well. Tell us! Our contact information is near the top of this page.

In addition, are there other, non-contractual activities that you'd like to see the UPEI-FA undertaking or sponsoring? Social events? Workshops? Awards? Is there anything that the association is currently doing that you think could be improved upon? Tell us!