A Glossary of Job Action Terminology
Definitions from the Provinces Labour Act and the Canadian
Autoworkers Union.
Labour Act Definitions
The following definitions are taken from the Provinces
Labour Act.
PEI Labour Act: Section 7 - Industrial Relations Definitions. (This information
is also available
as a PDF file.)
bargaining agent
certified bargaining agent
collective agreement
collective bargaining
conciliation board
conciliation officer
employers� organization
trade union
“bargaining agent” means a trade union that acts on behalf of employees
(i) in collective bargaining, or
(ii) as a party to a collective agreement with their employer, and includes a council of trade
unions that has been vested with appropriate authority by any of its constituent unions to
enable it to discharge the responsibilities of a bargaining agent;
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“certified bargaining agent” means a bargaining agent that has been certified under this Act
and the certification of which has not been revoked;
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“collective agreement” means an agreement in writing between an employer or an employers’
organization acting on behalf of an employer, on the one hand, and a bargaining agent of his
employees, on behalf of the employees, on the other hand, containing terms and conditions of
employment including rates of pay and hours of work;
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“collective bargaining” means negotiation with a view to the conclusion of a collective
agreement or the renewal or revision thereof, as the case may be;
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“conciliation board” means a board of conciliation appointed by the Minister in accordance with
section 27;
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“conciliation officer” means a person instructed by the Minister under section 25;
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“dispute” or “industrial
dispute” means any dispute or difference between an employer and one
or more of his employees or a bargaining agent acting on behalf of his employees, as to matters or
things affecting or relating to terms or conditions of employment;
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“employee” means a person employed to do skilled or unskilled manual, clerical or technical
work, and includes police constables appointed under the Police Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. P-11,
employed by or for any city, town, community, or other person, or employed by a board, commission
or agency of, or a corporation, controlled by a city, town, community or other person and also
includes persons employed as security police, but does not include persons referred to in subsection
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“employer” means a person, firm or corporation employing more than one employee but does
not include Her Majesty or any person, corporation, board, department or commission acting for or
on behalf or as an agent of Her Majesty; except that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may by
order-in-council declare any person, corporation, board, department or commission acting for or on
behalf of or as an agent of Her Majesty to be an employer within the meaning of this Part with
respect to any group of employees designated in the order-in-council, whereupon with respect to the
group so designated, the person, corporation, board, department or commission, as the case may be,
shall be such an employer until the order-in-council is rescinded;
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“employers’ organization” means an organization of employers formed for purposes including
the regulation of relations and collective bargaining between employers and employees;
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“lockout” includes the closing of a place of employment, a suspension of work or a refusal by
an employer to continue to employ a number of his employees, done to compel or induce his
employees, or to aid another employer to compel or induce his employees, to refrain from exercising
any rights or privileges under this Part or to agree to terms or conditions of employment or changes
of terms or conditions of employment;
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“strike” includes a cessation of work or refusal to work or to continue to work by employees in
combination or in concert or in accordance with a common understanding or a slow down or other
concerted activity on the part of the employees designed to restrict or limit output or service;
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“trade union” or “union” means any organization of employees formed for purposes that
include the regulation of relations and collective bargaining between employees and employers and
includes a council of trade unions that has been vested with appropriate authority by any of its
constituent unions to enable it to discharge the responsibilities of a bargaining agent;
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“unit” means a group of employees whether it is an employer unit or a plant unit or a subdivision
of either.
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