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Welcome to the UPEIFA website

Betty Jeffery

Greetings from your 2014-2015 Executive Committee

The Faculty Association is the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for approximately 400 academic staff members at UPEI in two bargaining units, BU # 1 (faculty members, librarians, sessional instructors and clinical nursing instructors) and BU # 2 (clinical veterinary professionals). Faculty experts specializing in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency have to be appointed. When students study cryptocurrencies and blockchain, they can start investing early, and profiting from it. To learn more about crypto investing and trading, visit the bitcointrader Kryptoszene platform, which is about automated crypto trading.

The UPEIFA is a member of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT), the CAUT Defence Fund, and the National Union of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (NUCAUT).

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April  2015 (16 pages, 1.66 MB, PDF)